Source code for cleanlab.rank

# Copyright (C) 2017-2022  Cleanlab Inc.
# This file is part of cleanlab.
# cleanlab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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Methods to rank/order data by cleanlab's `label quality score`.
Except for :py:func:`order_label_issues <cleanlab.rank.order_label_issues>`, which operates only on the subset of the data identified
as potential label issues/errors, the methods in this module can be used on whichever subset
of the dataset you choose (including the entire dataset) and provide a `label quality score` for
every example. You can then do something like: ``np.argsort(label_quality_score)`` to obtain ranked
indices of individual data.

CAUTION: These label quality scores are computed based on `pred_probs` from your model that must be out-of-sample!
You should never provide predictions on the same examples used to train the model,
as these will be overfit and unsuitable for finding label-errors.
To obtain out-of-sample predicted probabilities for every datapoint in your dataset, you can use :ref:`cross-validation <pred_probs_cross_val>`.
Alternatively it is ok if your model was trained on a separate dataset and you are only evaluating
labels in data that was previously held-out.

import numpy as np
from typing import List
import warnings
from cleanlab.internal.label_quality_utils import (
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

[docs]def order_label_issues( label_issues_mask: np.array, labels: np.array, pred_probs: np.array, *, rank_by: str = "self_confidence", rank_by_kwargs: dict = {}, ) -> np.array: """Sorts label issues by label quality score. Default label quality score is "self_confidence". Parameters ---------- label_issues_mask : np.array A boolean mask for the entire dataset where ``True`` represents a label issue and ``False`` represents an example that is accurately labeled with high confidence. labels : np.array Labels in the same format expected by the :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. pred_probs : np.array (shape (N, K)) Predicted-probabilities in the same format expected by the :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. rank_by : str, optional Score by which to order label error indices (in increasing order). See the `method` argument of :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>`. rank_by_kwargs : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments to pass into :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. Accepted args include `adjust_pred_probs`. Returns ------- label_issues_idx : np.array Return an array of the indices of the label issues, ordered by the label-quality scoring method passed to `rank_by`. """ assert len(pred_probs) == len(labels) # Convert bool mask to index mask label_issues_idx = np.arange(len(labels))[label_issues_mask] # Calculate label quality scores label_quality_scores = get_label_quality_scores( labels, pred_probs, method=rank_by, **rank_by_kwargs ) # Get label quality scores for label issues label_quality_scores_issues = label_quality_scores[label_issues_mask] return label_issues_idx[np.argsort(label_quality_scores_issues)]
[docs]def get_label_quality_scores( labels: np.array, pred_probs: np.array, *, method: str = "self_confidence", adjust_pred_probs: bool = False, ) -> np.array: """Returns label quality scores for each datapoint. This is a function to compute label-quality scores for classification datasets, where lower scores indicate labels less likely to be correct. Score is between 0 and 1. 1 - clean label (given label is likely correct). 0 - dirty label (given label is likely incorrect). Parameters ---------- labels : np.array A discrete vector of noisy labels, i.e. some labels may be erroneous. *Format requirements*: for dataset with K classes, labels must be in 0, 1, ..., K-1. pred_probs : np.array, optional An array of shape ``(N, K)`` of model-predicted probabilities, ``P(label=k|x)``. Each row of this matrix corresponds to an example `x` and contains the model-predicted probabilities that `x` belongs to each possible class, for each of the K classes. The columns must be ordered such that these probabilities correspond to class 0, 1, ..., K-1. **Caution**: `pred_probs` from your model must be out-of-sample! You should never provide predictions on the same examples used to train the model, as these will be overfit and unsuitable for finding label-errors. To obtain out-of-sample predicted probabilities for every datapoint in your dataset, you can use :ref:`cross-validation <pred_probs_cross_val>`. Alternatively it is ok if your model was trained on a separate dataset and you are only evaluating data that was previously held-out. method : {"self_confidence", "normalized_margin", "confidence_weighted_entropy"}, default="self_confidence" Label quality scoring method. Letting ``k = labels[i]`` and ``P = pred_probs[i]`` denote the given label and predicted class-probabilities for datapoint *i*, its score can either be: - ``'normalized_margin'``: ``P[k] - max_{k' != k}[ P[k'] ]`` - ``'self_confidence'``: ``P[k]`` - ``'confidence_weighted_entropy'``: ``entropy(P) / self_confidence`` Let ``C = {0, 1, ..., K}`` denote the classification task's specified set of classes. The normalized_margin score works better for identifying class conditional label errors, i.e. examples for which another label in C is appropriate but the given label is not. The self_confidence score works better for identifying alternative label issues corresponding to bad examples that are: not from any of the classes in C, well-described by 2 or more labels in C, or generally just out-of-distribution (ie. anomalous outliers). adjust_pred_probs : bool, optional Account for class imbalance in the label-quality scoring by adjusting predicted probabilities via subtraction of class confident thresholds and renormalization. Set this to ``True`` if you prefer to account for class-imbalance. See `Northcutt et al., 2021 <>`_. Returns ------- label_quality_scores : np.array Scores are between 0 and 1 where lower scores indicate labels less likely to be correct. See Also -------- get_self_confidence_for_each_label get_normalized_margin_for_each_label get_confidence_weighted_entropy_for_each_label """ # Available scoring functions to choose from scoring_funcs = { "self_confidence": get_self_confidence_for_each_label, "normalized_margin": get_normalized_margin_for_each_label, "confidence_weighted_entropy": get_confidence_weighted_entropy_for_each_label, } # Select scoring function try: scoring_func = scoring_funcs[method] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f""" {method} is not a valid scoring method for rank_by! Please choose a valid rank_by: self_confidence, normalized_margin, confidence_weighted_entropy """ ) # Adjust predicted probabilities if adjust_pred_probs: # Check if adjust_pred_probs is supported for the chosen method if method == "confidence_weighted_entropy": raise ValueError(f"adjust_pred_probs is not currently supported for {method}.") pred_probs = _subtract_confident_thresholds(labels, pred_probs) # Pass keyword arguments for scoring function input = {"labels": labels, "pred_probs": pred_probs} # Calculate scores label_quality_scores = scoring_func(**input) return label_quality_scores
[docs]def get_label_quality_ensemble_scores( labels: np.array, pred_probs_list: List[np.array], *, method: str = "self_confidence", adjust_pred_probs: bool = False, weight_ensemble_members_by: str = "accuracy", custom_weights: np.array = None, log_loss_search_T_values: List[float] = [1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 2e2], verbose: bool = True, ) -> np.array: """Returns label quality scores based on predictions from an ensemble of models. This is a function to compute label-quality scores for classification datasets, where lower scores indicate labels less likely to be correct. Ensemble scoring requires a list of pred_probs from each model in the ensemble. For each pred_probs in list, compute label quality score. Take the average of the scores with the chosen weighting scheme determined by `weight_ensemble_members_by`. Score is between 0 and 1: - 1 --- clean label (given label is likely correct). - 0 --- dirty label (given label is likely incorrect). Parameters ---------- labels : np.array Labels in the same format expected by the :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. pred_probs_list : List[np.array] Each element in this list should be an array of pred_probs in the same format expected by the :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. Each element of `pred_probs_list` corresponds to the predictions from one model for all examples. method : {"self_confidence", "normalized_margin", "confidence_weighted_entropy"}, default="self_confidence" Label quality scoring method. See :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` for scenarios on when to use each method. adjust_pred_probs : bool, optional `adjust_pred_probs` in the same format expected by the :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. weight_ensemble_members_by : {"uniform", "accuracy", "log_loss_search", "custom"}, default="accuracy" Weighting scheme used to aggregate scores from each model: - "uniform": Take the simple average of scores. - "accuracy": Take weighted average of scores, weighted by model accuracy. - "log_loss_search": Take weighted average of scores, weighted by exp(t * -log_loss) where t is selected from log_loss_search_T_values parameter and log_loss is the log-loss between a model's pred_probs and the given labels. - "custom": Take weighted average of scores using custom weights that the user passes to the custom_weights parameter. custom_weights : np.array, default=None Weights used to aggregate scores from each model if weight_ensemble_members_by="custom". Length of this array must match the number of models: len(pred_probs_list). log_loss_search_T_values : List, default=[1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 2e2] List of t values considered if weight_ensemble_members_by="log_loss_search". We will choose the value of t that leads to weights which produce the best log-loss when used to form a weighted average of pred_probs from the models. verbose : bool, default=True Set to ``False`` to suppress all print statements. Returns ------- label_quality_scores : np.array See Also -------- get_label_quality_scores """ MIN_ALLOWED = 1e-6 # lower-bound clipping threshold to prevents 0 in logs and division # Check pred_probs_list for errors assert isinstance( pred_probs_list, list ), f"pred_probs_list needs to be a list. Provided pred_probs_list is a {type(pred_probs_list)}" assert len(pred_probs_list) > 0, "pred_probs_list is empty." if len(pred_probs_list) == 1: warnings.warn( """ pred_probs_list only has one element. Consider using get_label_quality_scores() if you only have a single array of pred_probs. """ ) # Raise ValueError if user passed custom_weights array but did not choose weight_ensemble_members_by="custom" if custom_weights is not None and weight_ensemble_members_by != "custom": raise ValueError( f""" custom_weights provided but weight_ensemble_members_by is not "custom"! """ ) # This weighting scheme performs search of t in log_loss_search_T_values for "best" log loss if weight_ensemble_members_by == "log_loss_search": # Initialize variables for log loss search pred_probs_avg_log_loss_weighted = None neg_log_loss_weights = None best_eval_log_loss = float("inf") for t in log_loss_search_T_values: neg_log_loss_list = [] # pred_probs for each model for pred_probs in pred_probs_list: pred_probs_clipped = np.clip( pred_probs, a_min=MIN_ALLOWED, a_max=None ) # lower-bound clipping threshold to prevents 0 in logs when calculating log loss pred_probs_clipped /= pred_probs_clipped.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] # renormalize neg_log_loss = np.exp(t * (-log_loss(labels, pred_probs_clipped))) neg_log_loss_list.append(neg_log_loss) # weights using negative log loss neg_log_loss_weights_temp = np.array(neg_log_loss_list) / sum(neg_log_loss_list) # weighted average using negative log loss pred_probs_avg_log_loss_weighted_temp = sum( [neg_log_loss_weights_temp[i] * p for i, p in enumerate(pred_probs_list)] ) # evaluate log loss with this weighted average pred_probs eval_log_loss = log_loss(labels, pred_probs_avg_log_loss_weighted_temp) # check if eval_log_loss is the best so far (lower the better) if best_eval_log_loss > eval_log_loss: best_eval_log_loss = eval_log_loss pred_probs_avg_log_loss_weighted = pred_probs_avg_log_loss_weighted_temp.copy() neg_log_loss_weights = neg_log_loss_weights_temp.copy() # Generate scores for each model's pred_probs scores_list = [] accuracy_list = [] for pred_probs in pred_probs_list: # Calculate scores and accuracy scores = get_label_quality_scores( labels=labels, pred_probs=pred_probs, method=method, adjust_pred_probs=adjust_pred_probs, ) scores_list.append(scores) # Only compute if weighting by accuracy if weight_ensemble_members_by == "accuracy": accuracy = (pred_probs.argmax(axis=1) == labels).mean() accuracy_list.append(accuracy) if verbose: print(f"Weighting scheme for ensemble: {weight_ensemble_members_by}") # Transform list of scores into an array of shape (N, M) where M is the number of models in the ensemble scores_ensemble = np.vstack(scores_list).T # Aggregate scores with chosen weighting scheme if weight_ensemble_members_by == "uniform": label_quality_scores = scores_ensemble.mean(axis=1) # Uniform weights (simple average) elif weight_ensemble_members_by == "accuracy": weights = np.array(accuracy_list) / sum(accuracy_list) # Weight by relative accuracy if verbose: print("Ensemble members will be weighted by their relative accuracy") for i, acc in enumerate(accuracy_list): print(f" Model {i} accuracy : {acc}") print(f" Model {i} weight : {weights[i]}") # Aggregate scores with weighted average label_quality_scores = (scores_ensemble * weights).sum(axis=1) elif weight_ensemble_members_by == "log_loss_search": weights = neg_log_loss_weights # Weight by exp(t * -log_loss) where t is found by searching through log_loss_search_T_values if verbose: print( "Ensemble members will be weighted by log-loss between their predicted probabilities and given labels" ) for i, weight in enumerate(weights): print(f" Model {i} weight : {weight}") # Aggregate scores with weighted average label_quality_scores = (scores_ensemble * weights).sum(axis=1) elif weight_ensemble_members_by == "custom": # Check custom_weights for errors assert ( custom_weights is not None ), "custom_weights is None! Please pass a valid custom_weights." assert len(custom_weights) == len( pred_probs_list ), "Length of custom_weights array must match the number of models: len(pred_probs_list)." # Aggregate scores with custom weights label_quality_scores = (scores_ensemble * custom_weights).sum(axis=1) else: raise ValueError( f""" {weight_ensemble_members_by} is not a valid weighting method for weight_ensemble_members_by! Please choose a valid weight_ensemble_members_by: uniform, accuracy, custom """ ) return label_quality_scores
[docs]def get_self_confidence_for_each_label( labels: np.array, pred_probs: np.array, ) -> np.array: """Returns the self-confidence label-quality score for each datapoint. This is a function to compute label-quality scores for classification datasets, where lower scores indicate labels less likely to be correct. The self-confidence is the holdout probability that an example belongs to its given class label. Self-confidence works better for finding out-of-distribution (OOD) examples, weird examples, bad examples, multi-label, and other types of label errors. Parameters ---------- labels : np.array Labels in the same format expected by the :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. pred_probs : np.array Predicted-probabilities in the same format expected by the :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. Returns ------- label_quality_scores : np.array An array of holdout probabilities that each example in `pred_probs` belongs to its label. """ # np.mean is used so that this works for multi-labels (list of lists) label_quality_scores = np.array([np.mean(pred_probs[i, l]) for i, l in enumerate(labels)]) return label_quality_scores
[docs]def get_normalized_margin_for_each_label( labels: np.array, pred_probs: np.array, ) -> np.array: """Returns the "normalized margin" label-quality score for each datapoint. This is a function to compute label-quality scores for classification datasets, where lower scores indicate labels less likely to be correct. Letting k denote the given label for a datapoint, the normalized margin is ``(p(label = k) - max(p(label != k)))``, i.e. the probability of the given label minus the probability of the argmax label that is not the given label. This gives you an idea of how likely an example is BOTH its given label AND not another label, and therefore, scores its likelihood of being a good label or a label error. Normalized margin works better for finding class conditional label errors where there is another label in the class that is better than the given label. Parameters ---------- labels : np.array Labels in the same format expected by the :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. pred_probs : np.array Predicted-probabilities in the same format expected by the :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. Returns ------- label_quality_scores : np.array An array of scores (between 0 and 1) for each example of its likelihood of being correctly labeled. ``normalized_margin = prob_label - max_prob_not_label`` """ self_confidence = get_self_confidence_for_each_label(labels, pred_probs) max_prob_not_label = np.array( [max(np.delete(pred_probs[i], l, -1)) for i, l in enumerate(labels)] ) label_quality_scores = (self_confidence - max_prob_not_label + 1) / 2 return label_quality_scores
[docs]def get_confidence_weighted_entropy_for_each_label( labels: np.array, pred_probs: np.array ) -> np.array: """Returns the "confidence weighted entropy" label-quality score for each datapoint. This is a function to compute label-quality scores for classification datasets, where lower scores indicate labels less likely to be correct. "confidence weighted entropy" is the normalized entropy divided by "self-confidence". Parameters ---------- labels : np.array Labels in the same format expected by the :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. pred_probs : np.array Predicted-probabilities in the same format expected by the :py:func:`get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>` function. Returns ------- label_quality_scores : np.array An array of scores (between 0 and 1) for each example of its likelihood of being correctly labeled. """ MIN_ALLOWED = 1e-6 # lower-bound clipping threshold to prevents 0 in logs and division self_confidence = get_self_confidence_for_each_label(labels, pred_probs) self_confidence = np.clip(self_confidence, a_min=MIN_ALLOWED, a_max=None) # Divide entropy by self confidence label_quality_scores = get_normalized_entropy(**{"pred_probs": pred_probs}) / self_confidence # Rescale clipped_scores = np.clip(label_quality_scores, a_min=MIN_ALLOWED, a_max=None) label_quality_scores = np.log(label_quality_scores + 1) / clipped_scores return label_quality_scores
[docs]def get_knn_distance_ood_scores( features: np.array, nbrs: NearestNeighbors, k: int = None ) -> np.array: """Returns the KNN distance out-of-distribution (OOD) score for each datapoint. This is a function to compute OOD scores where higher scores indicate the datapoint is more likely to be OOD. Parameters ---------- features : np.array Feature matrix of shape (N, M), where N is the number of datapoints and M is the number of features. This is the "query set" of features for each datapoint which are used for nearest neighbor search. nbrs : sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors Instantiated NearestNeighbors class object that's been fitted on a dataset in the same feature space. Note that the distance metric and n_neighbors is specified when instantiating this class. See: k : int, default=None Number of neighbors to use when calculating average distance to neighbors. This value k needs to be less than or equal to max_k which is the n_neighbors used when fitting instantiated NearestNeighbors class object. If k=None, then by default k=min(10, max_k) is used where max_k is extracted from the given nbrs. Returns ------- avg_nbrs_distances : np.array Average distance to k-nearest neighbors for each datapoint which is used as a score for OOD detection. """ # number of neighbors specified when fitting instantiated NearestNeighbors class object max_k = nbrs.n_neighbors # if k is not provided, then use default if k is None: k = min(10, max_k) assert ( k <= max_k ), f"Chosen k={k} cannot be greater than n_neighbors={max_k} which was used when fitting NearestNeighbors object!" # Get distances to k-nearest neighbors # Note that the nbrs object contains the specification of distance metric and n_neighbors (k value) # If our query set of features matches the training set used to fit nbrs, the nearest neighbor of each point is the point itself, at a distance of zero. distances, _ = nbrs.kneighbors(features) # Calculate average distance to k-nearest neighbors avg_nbrs_distances = distances[:, :k].mean(axis=1) return avg_nbrs_distances